Category: Sunday Reflections

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

The story of Jesus visiting in the home of a certain Martha is unique to the Third Gospel.  It is told in Luke 10:38-42. Jesus is invited into the home of Martha for a meal and conversation.  Her sister, Mary, is present.  The text is ambivalent...

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

It never ends.  It probably never will this side of the Second Advent of Christ.  One sin after the other. This past week violent death, once again, sounded forth.  Eight people breathe no more.  On Tuesday morning, Alton Sterling was shot by police in Baton...

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

Jesus is The Great Sender.  He certainly is not a great pretender about this, either.  He sends people out to do the work of ministry.  His sending isn’t just limited to the professional clergy.  His sending includes everyone who professes faith in Him.  Luke 10:1-11 provides such...

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

The story of Jesus attending a dinner party hosted by Simon the Pharisee is a portrayal of contrasts.  Not only does Jesus attend an event where there are those who oppose Him (Pharisees), but He also finds one sorrowfully repentant woman who very much understands...

Third Sunday after Pentecost

Jesus’ encounter with a widow in the funeral procession of her son at the city gate of Nain is a heart-felt story of compassion.  The account is thoughtfully told in Luke 7:11-17. Having left the town of Capernaum after healing a centurion’s servant, Jesus, along with his disciples and a...

First Sunday after Pentecost: Trinity Sunday

The Christian Calendar marks this particular Sunday as Trinity Sunday.  It always occurs the Sunday after the Day of Pentecost.  Trinity Sunday celebrates the doctrine of the Trinity – God in three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How does one explain the “Trinity”?  When is...