Category: Sunday Reflections

Fourth Sunday After The Epiphany

Right in the middle of Paul’s exhortation on spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 and 14:1-40, a word is offered that is more important than all the gifts combined:  Love.  First Corinthians 13 has been called “The Love Hymn.”  Verses 1-3 point out that without love spiritual gifts are useless.  Verses 4-7 define the...

Third Sunday After The Epiphany

The discussion of spiritual gifts continues in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31as Paul speaks of the connectedness of the church as the body of Christ. For the first time, chronologically, in the New Testament the metaphor of “the body” is used to portray the church.  Dating to the early fifth...

Second Sunday After The Epiphany

The church is a gifted community.  Paul affirms this in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.  First Corinthians is addressed to the troubled church in Corinth partly because those believers have a few questions for the Apostle.  One concerns “spiritual gifts” (v. 1).  A better translation would be “spiritual things”...

First Sunday After The Epiphany | Baptism of Our Lord

On the Christian Calendar, this particular Sunday is known as the Baptism of Our Lord.  It occurs the first Sunday after The Epiphany, which is always on January 6. Baptism is a faith community event.  I personally struggle with “private baptisms” because they deemphasize community.  Baptism...